Well, as you can tell I've sort of given up on this blog a little bit... or you might say it has gone dormant. So consider this post something of a snore.
We spent 10 days in Bolivia last month for regional leadership meetings, which was very fun - Terry's and my old stomping grounds, where we met in 1996! Terry's parents were able to be there also so the kids had some fun grandparent time while we were in meetings. But my camera battery died and so I only have the photos that Vern took with his iPhone.
Somehow, though, Gabriel always manages to get sick when we travel. This time he got pink-eye, which came back 2 days after I finished the full treatment. So we are doing it all over again and had to keep him out of school this week.
The kids were super-happy to get home and be re-united with all their toys, their own beds, and their routines.
Some funny things they've been doing lately: they invented an imaginary place called "Chetten Mall" that exists somewhere on the other side of outer space, in "Daytime Land." You have to take a rocket ship to get there. There are lots of riding toys and pizza. They can spend long minutes elaborating tales of Chetten Mall.
Well, March was a crazy-busy month, I'm hoping April will slow down but somehow there seem to be all these little crises erupting throughout our team. Never a dull moment!
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3 months ago