... I'm here! Greyhound, always an adventure.
11:30 p.m. - Terry drops me off at the station in DC.
12:15 a.m. - people start lining up for the bus to NYC.
12:30 a.m. - the last 16 people in line (I was 8th of those) are left stranded as a full bus takes off without us...
12:35, 12:45, 12:55, 1:05 - I call Terry with panicked updates.
1:10 a.m. - they scrounge up a second bus and driver!!!
1:15 a.m. - we're on the road! I read Freud, try to sleep.
4:50 a.m. - the bus I am supposed to be on makes its scheduled arrival in NYC.
5:00 a.m. - the bus I am actually on arrives! (Dang, that driver flew!)
5:40 a.m. - I make my connection to Ithaca and sleep all the way until...
10:20 a.m. - I start walking from the Ithaca station to the Commons.
10:45 a.m. - I catch the shuttle bus to campus
10:55 - I walk into the library and grab a computer to send feedback to people who sent me their papers for comments.
12:35 - I finish.
Now all I have to do is go home, shower, eat, put the finishing touches on my own paper, read the 400 pages I still have left to go, and go to class at 4:30. :-) I'm really looking forward to my mattress tonight...!
Nuevos comienzos
3 months ago
That's a large part of why I didn't go home this weekend -- Greyhound sells tickets for a trip between A and B, not for specific buses, and thus oversells. I had a different paper due this morning, and a Turkish quiz thing, and I didn't feel like I could risk getting stuck in NYC waiting for the next Greyhound bus. (Especially since they sometimes only run every five hours.) Seriously, why can't they sell tickets for particular seats? Oy.
Yeah, I definitely feel like I'm trying to do too much... I've had that happen before where I got stranded in Tulsa on a trip from Dallas to Chicago - I vowed then never to be at the back of the line again, but I was absorbed in Tina's paper and got careless. Rookie mistake :-)
rough trip.... why don't we have (reliable, cheap, frequent) trains?
you have a blog? When did this happen? :)
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