Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Have yarn, will travel

Yep, I'm back in the 'Burg, intermittently knitting and typing. Two papers down, one to go.

Whatever did we do without the Internet?!? In the past week, the Internet has facilitated my life in the following ways:

  • Got me a ride home. Instead of paying $65 for a one-way bus fare to DC, I used the Cornell Ride Board. Got me there for $10, in 6 hours instead of 10.
  • Got me a phone card. Thus I was able to call the travel agent in Peru for $.03/minute instead of $3.00/minute to confirm my travel arrangements for next week.
  • Got my papers in on time. I can submit work done in VA to NY with the click of the mouse.

Obviously, this is just the tip of the iceberg; but it just makes you go hm.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Cancel that ambulance, things are back to normal:

(The observant reader will notice that, yes, I am still in my pajamas... a good day is when I don't actually get dressed until afternoon!)

Papers are coming along nicely, and I have a ride home on Monday! This is what I'm writing a couple of my papers about:

And here's a peek inside:

It's a first-hand account of the farmworker movements in California led by Cesar Chavez, through the eyes of three children who were there. Awesome.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Is it even possible?

Somebody take my temperature! I'm actually...tired of knitting...

Too funny to pass up!

Especially the items about sleep:

Nothing like some sweet surrealism to start your day off right... (check the time stamp on this entry and you'll know what I'm talking about with reference to the sleep thing) :-)

Monday, December 04, 2006


Two more class sessions and three papers to go before the end of the semester, and look what happens:
At least I've finished all my reading (and there was some really good stuff at the end! At least I liked it!), and at least I've finished something:
Don't tell me it's not adorable - Go Big Red!

Saturday, December 02, 2006


I was on a rare and magical confidence binge tonight! Sometimes I feel a tiny bit bipolar (although if I was diagnosably so I think my therapist might have told me... she's good about things like that). I was walking into the mail room just as my prof was walking out. He pointed at the mailboxes to indicate that he'd returned our papers, and I said "Ah, the moment of truth!" (maybe just a little nervously).

He said, "Oh, yours was excellent, as always," in that sort of "oh please," tone of voice.

So I picked up the paper and read through the comments just feeling more and more pleased with myself with each page... and while there were plenty of "you could expand this point further" comments, overall, man, I rocked. I rocked this freaking paper. I wouldn't hear criticism tonight if it bit me on the butt.

Call me tomorrow though - and it could be a whole 'nother story.