I was on a rare and magical confidence binge tonight! Sometimes I feel a tiny bit bipolar (although if I was diagnosably so I think my therapist might have told me... she's good about things like that). I was walking into the mail room just as my prof was walking out. He pointed at the mailboxes to indicate that he'd returned our papers, and I said "Ah, the moment of truth!" (maybe just a little nervously).
He said, "Oh, yours was excellent, as always," in that sort of "oh please," tone of voice.
So I picked up the paper and read through the comments just feeling more and more pleased with myself with each page... and while there were plenty of "you could expand this point further" comments, overall, man, I rocked. I rocked this freaking paper. I wouldn't hear criticism tonight if it bit me on the butt.
Call me tomorrow though - and it could be a whole 'nother story.
Nuevos comienzos
3 months ago
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