Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

My friend Catherine gave me this lovely teapot yesterday, and I gave myself this yarn that I bought last fall (50% off!). It felt like Spring today. I read a lot, went to a talk by a Big Famous Anthropologist (the best part was getting out of class for that!). Terry had to leave for VA today but my spring break starts at the end of this week (yay!)

Well, guess I'll go read some more!


Anonymous said...

happy birthday, it's your party and you can buy yarn if you want to... :)
can't wait to see you again- i am trying to rally the troups to have a little st. patty's day/ eep's bday/ party

Nikki said...

Happy Birthday! So, you gonna make a teapot cozy out of your birthday yarn for your birthday teapot?

hey, my undergrad degree was in anthro, too.