This is me and Terry at an Ethiopian coffee ceremony in Harrisonburg a few weeks ago. He's looking grim because his cup was smaller than mine :-)

And here's my little Christmas cactus, which just got a new spot in the sun (I had to rearrange the furniture a little bit). The Ceramic Fairy says "Recycle!"
dude, just how much ceramic are you guys smoking up there???
yes t-llama is tara for some reason i can't seem to log into my blogger account to post comments... so this is the best that i can do
O! guess what- stolen wireless from the church across the street- we are going to hell for that one but yipppeee wireless
you MUST get skype so we can talk
woowoo! Back in the burg I was happily swiping someone's wireless from home until some wire got tripped somewhere and all of a sudden I needed a password to log on. Boooo...
I just wanted to make fun of Terry's cup size. :)
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