I passed the second glucose screening test! :-) Last week, I failed the first one by 6 points - which meant that I had to do the 3-hour fasting blood draw yesterday. But they called this morning and said that my numbers were "perfect." Bottom line: I do not have gestational diabetes. Yay!
Also, at my last appointment, my blood pressure was 116/64!!!!!
Tomorrow my cousin V. is coming by with a carload of stuff, including crib, carseat, diaper pail, bouncy chair... and anything else that may occur to him. He keeps asking, "do you need xyz?" And I keep answering "I don't know!!!" I guess we'll figure it out as we go along.
Nuevos comienzos
3 months ago
whew- good news about the sugar test. the bouncy seat is the best thing ever in our household. i could use one in every room, in my office, a portable one for traveling... you get the picture ;)
You will figure it out. I echo tara on the bouncy seat. They are very handy.
The only other thing I would recommend especially if you are planning to nurse is a boppy. Make sure to take it to the hospital with you. It is great for positioning the baby to eat, tummy time, and now with the baby I watch, for safe sitting up. Otherwise she sometimes falls over backwards.
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