Sunday, April 27, 2008


My sister is here! She got here this afternoon, having left GA Friday afternoon/evening. A long trip with a 3-year-old, but here they are! It's wonderful to see them both. I'll post pictures soon :-) We hung out this afternoon playing with beads (her new hobby) while Solana colored and sang songs to herself. It was a gorgeous day, and before they got here Terry and I hung out on the hospital grounds enjoying the sunshine and blossoming trees. It was very soothing and relaxing.

Now all have been dispatched and I'm wondering whether to try to grade a couple student papers that came in over the weekend.

BP is hanging out in the zone above where they'd let me go home (140/90 - although we do get below that, it doesn't stay) and where they'd want to deliver (160/110 - hasn't crossed that line since Thursday morning). Baby is stubbornly staying head-up, but we're trying some tricks to see if it will turn.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am so glad your sister and niece arrived. It must be nice to have family in.