Saturday, May 04, 2013

peace pearls

Some people in MCC like to call the following "Peace Pearls" (instead of bullet points...) (fwiw)

  • These photos don't really do justice to the loveliness of the Catholic retreat center where we spent our week of meetings. 
  • Two days before our trip to Guatemala I started to get a sore throat. Two days after coming back I had a diagnosis of bronchitis.
  • Gabriel had a fever 4 nights and 3 days while we were there.
  • I discovered exactly how little food our kids can get by on when away from home
  • Terry is now out of town for 10 days taking some of our funders around to see different food security projects in the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts.
  • I started to feel better around midnight last night.
  • Today I enjoyed a perfect avocado, a perfect cup of coffee, and two hours of sunshine with the kids in the park! Lovely Saturday.

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