Twice in the past five days I have gotten quite teary-eyed while
at work; once while talking with a solid gold volunteer and realizing that I won't be here when he comes back at the end of the summer, and again today while looking at pictures of the end-of-the-year party for our Latino High School Bigs. This pilot project was a scary new thing for me, a new thing for our agency, and a bit of a risk - but it paid off beautifully. What this means to me is concrete accomplishment of the vision I had when coming into this job - to see Latino young people coming forward as mentors and volunteers, demonstrating that to be Latino does not automatically mean poverty and need, that this community is a resource and source of goodness, and for the kids, that you can be Latino and be a good role model, not a gang member or wannabe. These volunteers show such leadership. And the kids have benefitted so much! The little girl in red was so shy and in her shell at the beginning of the year, and look at her now! So I'm getting all soppy and sentimental here; the vitality and joy of this group is so beautiful. And I won't be here in the Fall to see the next group coming through. I know I'll be back, but I just had this moment of sadness mixed with joy while looking at these photos.
make sure that you do allow yourself to grieve the passing of phase
it is just as important as celebrating your new world
i will be home this weekend- having dinner in lexington on friday night but should be home at a reasonable time
i even had the reference librarian interested in my sock!
do you think that i can ask each of the speakers to have their pic taken with the sock- ala yarlot?
You seem to have interest in the process of creating; making socks, watching children come out of their shell. I love this blog and your self portraits. Are you growing wild and free like the daisy?
.... and I will add, in a much more manly and guy type way....
uh, yeah.... when are you going to update the blog again so I have something to do at work other than... well, work...
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