As for the ribbed stripes you see, this is my World Cup Sock - started the day of the opening match (Friday), the pair must be finished by the end of the preliminary round! It's going very quickly so I am not too concerned at this time. Sorry the photo is so blurry. The lighting was not good... and, after all, it's just my camera-phone!
I was very productive this weekend - also started and finished an orange cotton tank top (sized 6 months) with a blue intarsia heart knitted into the front bib area. The big challenge was the lettuce edge trim - casting on 616 stitches on a circular needle without losing count and then joining without twisting... that was fun! The next round you knit 2 together all the way around, then do it again for the 3rd round. Voila - lettuce edge. It's very cute.
The other fun thing we did this weekend (besides watch endless World Cup Soccer) was this:

that sweater is gorgeous! congrats :) i am trying to take some 'me' time by skippin all thing optional
but all knitting has occured during sessions and road trips :)
miss u
sunday school wasn't long enough
The sweater is nice... but I disagree with the term "endless world cup soccer", it all too unfortunately ends, about 5:30 each day here on the east coast. I think they should have games 24/7.... that would be excellent...
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