So today I jumped the last scary hurdle before the semester starts - my oh-so-drama-inducing "Q exam." Basically, I met with my committee to discuss my project and decide on a plan for coursework. It went well, and I feel free and happy and ready to plunge into reading, writing, teaching, and grading.
The plan is: take classes this Fall and Spring. During the Spring semester I will write a research proposal to submit to funding sources for my field research. During the summer I will read my butt off (or eyes out) (or both) and in the Fall of 2008 I will write my A exams. I can actually do most of that work from Virginia, or anywhere else in the world, which will be nice since my parents will be in the US by then! In January 2009 I will start my field research for at least one calendar year, maybe 3 semesters depending how things go.
Then I come back to write my dissertation.
p.s. Tara, check comments on previous post for answer to your question re Knitty pattern!
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3 months ago
yea glad the exam is over- i was thinking of you yesterday
thanks for the pattern update- i thought that is what they meant but since i had 'taught' myself how to pick up a lost stitch and sometimes get them backwards i wasn't sure
hope you are well!!
look at this
what a deal- right?? but should i really buy another shawl lace pattern when i can't finish the one that i started last summer???
Yeah, I saw that while looking for a pattern for some Brown Sheep single-ply stuff that gretchen got me somewhere in CO. I want to make something that will wrap around my shoulders, about like that shawl, but maybe a loop? Like a Mobius wrap kind of thing? I dunno. Haven't made up my mind yet.
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