I feel like I've entered the third trimester 2 weeks early. Slight edema of hands and feet mean that I've taken off all my rings except for my wedding ring. I feel like I've pulled a muscle on the left side of my rib cage, so it hurts to take a deep breath - which is getting harder just in general! The first knuckle on the middle finger of my right hand is swollen and a little sore - is this a sign of carpal tunnel? And it's getting harder to find a comfortable position for sleeping.
Added up, though, it's still a very small price to pay. And I am thankful.
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3 months ago
Swollen knuckle doesn't sound like carpal tunnel, but swelling is what causes carpal tunnel. Salt can add to swelling, much salt in those olives?
Carpal tunnel signs are numbness, tingling.
It's so exciting to hear about the baby and you growing.
Aunt Wendy
Pregnancy does such strange things to the body, but in the end it is TOTALLY worth it.
ahh, the swelling- at least you can still wear your wedding ring- i had to keep mine off from mid-oct onward
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