So I'm thinking of hiring a doula. There is one thing that I feel very strongly about related to the "birth plan" - I do not want the baby taken away from me right after birth. I do not want the baby put in a nursery. I want the baby to experience human touch for as long as continuously possible after birth. From what I know, in case of a C-section I wouldn't be able to hold the baby right afterwards. I also suspect that post-partum it may be challenging to insist on my wishes. Statistically, doula-supported births are less likely to go to C-section, and a doula would be able to advocate on my behalf in ways that perhaps family members might not be able to.
I know there are many things beyond my control, but this is one thing that I do feel very strongly about.
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3 months ago
Sounds like a good plan to me.
Warning, long response ahead.
My cousin is a doula, she works hard to help mother's birth plans work. Although I didn't choose to use one, I think doulas are an excellent idea.
As an aside, even without a doula, there is a good chance your baby will not have to leave the room. It will depend on the hospital's policy. That may help you decide which hospital to deliver at, if you haven't already decided.
Due to some breathing issues, I was not able to hold my son for 20 minutes after he was born. He was in the same room as me the entire time though and I could see him. My husband was able to stand over him as they worked on getting his air passages cleared. Once they got his breathing corrected, I got to hold him for as long as I wanted.
He was taken to a different area for about 15 minutes to bathe him, but my husband went along.
Afterwards we had the choice whether to keep him in our room or not. Our original plan was to keep him in the room the entire time, but after a 20 hour labor and no sleep for closer to 30 hours, we chose to send him to the nursery the second night so we could get a few hours rest.
Whatever you decide, make sure that the doctor is aware of your preferences ahead of time so you don't get into the delivery room and find out that they won't be honored.
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