Saturday, March 28, 2009
Growing Girl
Sock it to me
Any knitting pattern begins with a very important row: the set-up row. This is where you establish the pattern that you carry through for the rest of the knitted object. Some knitted objects, particularly those that have three-dimensional shape, require multiple steps where a new pattern is introduced and established midway through your project. Like socks. For the most part, a sock is just a tube closed at one end, but the heel shaping is what makes it anatomically correct and infinitely more comfortable to wear. Except for the afterthought heel, every kind of sock heel requires a change in pattern midway through the knitting.
So. This pair of socks was supposed to be done by Christmas.
Ok. Thanks to my mom and sister, the yarn was duly untangled and rewound into a ball by March 3, and I happily finished the second sock, with only this much yarn left over:
All was well with the world. Just before kitchener stitching the toe shut, I tried on the socks just to admire them, and to my horror, I noticed this:
So... um, can you see the problem? The cable pattern on the side is on the same side for both socks. I knit two right socks...
After some weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, I decided there was nothing to do but unravel the second sock up to the beginning of the heel and re-knit it on the opposite side. Folks, this was heartbreaking. Despite having overcome the setback of the tangled yarn, I was poised to meet my deadline... to no avail. One moment of inattention while establishing the heel pattern led to this.
So the "life lesson" here is: pay attention to your set-up row. Establishing your pattern right at the start will save you much pain and anguish* later on down the road.
*I am exaggerating slightly for dramatic effect
Friday, March 20, 2009
Not much to say
I think she's been saying "baw" for ball! Most of the time she just whispers it, when she sees me kick or throw a ball, she'll go "baw - baw - baw."
Sunday, March 15, 2009
10 Months Old!
And I'm calling it: YOUR FIRST WORD. Yes, agua! You say it all the time, and mostly for "water." You have also learned, from your babysitter, to say "Uh-oh!" Although you don't always quite know when to quit - you see something fall, and you'll go "Uh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!" It's very cute.
You love to stand, and are just beginning to learn to balance on two feet without holding on to anything - but only for a second or two. You continue to have a healthy appetite and are willing to try all kinds of different foods. I swear you've gained a pound this past week. But there's nothing I love more than your delicious little toes, to whit:
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Just popping in to chronicle baby cuteness: yesterday I was folding laundry on the living room floor, and Valerie picked up one of Terry's shirts and pulled it up, covering her face. Then she threw her arms down with a big grin - peekaboo! (She didn't say it, but the intention was clear!) I was so tickled! She did it over and over again, and every time I'd say "wheeeere's Baby? There she is!" It was awesome.
In the bath last night, I was squirting a steady stream of water from one of her bath toys, and she kept trying to grab the stream with her little pincher grasp, with both hands. Soooo cute.
I almost thought we had a first word - she's been saying "awa" (agua = water in Spanish) at appropriate times - when grabbing her water bottle, when getting in the bath, when watching water pour in the washing machine. But then she started saying it apparently at random, so I'm not sure. I'm also trying to figure out whether her little pinchy-finger movement sometimes means she wants cheerios? It's very similar to the sign for "duck" in our baby animal signs book, but she doesn't seem to associate it with her rubber ducks.
Anyway, that was it for my break - back to the exam! TTFN...
Saturday, March 07, 2009
blogging will resume on or around May 14
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Photo Phrenzy
But never mind about all that, here are pictures!!!