The trip went well, but it's good to be home! V. did well while I was gone although apparently she didn't eat much. She's in this funny phase right now where she has to have a hat on her head at all times, 24/7! It's very cute and I have a ton of pictures I need to download. At the same time it's kind of a pain at night because when she lies down the hat often goes askew, and she has to sit up and re-situate it before she can lie down again. Sometimes 6-8 times in a row which gets annoying when we're trying to settle her in for the night.
It's so nice having warmer weather now. V. loves to play outside, stepping in the leftover piles of snow, throwing gravel around, poking at things with sticks.
I think I've cracked the code on her hand-to-nose/mouth gesture - I think it means "moon/sun." She often does it when looking at a book with a picture of the sun or moon in it.
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3 months ago
Fun stuff to discover your blog! Thanks for sharing your slice of life with the world.
Thanks for visiting my blog... and congrats on being past your "hump day" in your pregnancy. I am 18 weeks today and celebrating getting close to that 1/2 way point. I love the age your daughter is at, so cute, so inventive, learning to share her world with you in her own special way. Glad to see you are enjoying it!
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