Monday, June 06, 2011

home again

Back from Vlora, very tired, but had to catch up on my social networks before going to bed!

I feel like a rock star not only for nursing Gabriel multiple times on the bus ride home, but also for successfully changing his poopy diaper on said bus! It *almost* makes up for losing my wallet on the bus ride out. Oh Tara, I had forgotten how completely sucky it feels to lose your wallet. I'm sorry I wasn't more sack-cloth-and-ashy when you told me about yours last week!!! I only had a debit card and my driver's license in it as far as plastic goes (I never use my credit card here so I stopped carrying it around - I don't use my license either but I always feel better having some form of ID on me), but I did have a big wad of cash. I think it fell out of my cargo pants pocket at some point during the trip, and in the maelstrom of Bjorn-backpack-bag of toys-toddler wrangling when we got off the bus, I didn't notice until we were in the taxi headed to the hotel. The driver took me back to the bus station right away but it was too late - it was gone, gone, gone.

Anyway, we did have a good time in Vlorë, of the beach variety, and I'll post some pictures soon. It still feels good to be home. The kids are wiped out and sleeping hard right now. I should be too!

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