These pictures are old, from about 2 years ago, but should give you an idea of why we moved! Our friend Marisol, who works at our office, invited us to her home for Sunday afternoon tea shortly after she started working here. Terry especially fell in love with the huge green space inside the apartment complex, as well as the views from their 12-floor apartment. He said that if they ever heard of an apartment coming up for rent there to let us know.
Well last August a place came open, but we didn't make the cut for getting it. Then in December we heard of another place, a corner apartment on the very top floor.
Thanks to Marisol, who knew the owners, we were able to rent directly from them which is much simpler here than going through a real estate agency (which most people do). So when we got back from our vacation in January we started working on moving.
It was quite an undertaking - I had
no idea we had amassed so much STUFF. We got rid of some of it but there's more now that we want to get rid of as well.
The brick building you can see just over the trees is part of the apt. complex |
Moving feels like a bit of a fresh start. In September we also changed churches as well. (Now I just need to get new glasses!) Although G was resistant at first, V absolutely loves our new place, and G has come around as well.
our view |
Some things that I was worried about - like walking to school takes half an hour now, instead of five minutes - have turned out to be so not a big deal at all. Other things have taken some getting used to, like the flocks of birds that start singing at 4:30 a.m. outside our window (see those trees?). But by and large it's been good so far. We still have some work to do to get settled in, and Terry sliced his thumb open on moving weekend (needed 3 stitches!), but honestly I went with my gut feeling that said "Yes, do it!" when we saw the place and met the owners for the first time, and I'm feeling pretty sure that my gut was right. So far.