I have not unravelled the sock yet; instead, I started to knit a toe-up sock from the other end of the ball of yarn. We shall see how far it takes me... I suspect that once I get past the heel turn and up the cuff just a wee but, I'll probably find that I really do have to unravel the first one and start over, again toe-up. You bamboo-purists will see that I have succumbed to your environazi ways with this second sock... though I daren't haul it around with me for fear the delicate balance of nature will snap in my backpack... maybe if I had one of those nifty needle-cases the yarlot's always on about...
Regardless, here is a finished strawberry hat to feel smug about!
Glad to see you've come over from the dark side..... oh wait.... I don't care what needles you use....
i love the hat- very cute!
i was working on this great stripped hat with three different colors of yarn that tapers to pom-pom (for a toddler) but the hat fits me (i waited to do a reality check until the hat was already in the tapering mode)... sadness
starting over again on the slippery metal needles
Toddlers have big heads - my cousin's 3-year-old's head measures 20 inches around. I think my head is only like 23. Did you frog the whole thing or are you making a second one?
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