Note to self: Never attempt interstate travel the DAY AFTER A MAJOR SNOW EVENT!
Evening, Valentine's Day
Me: "Hm... up to two feet of snow... weather hazard advisories... me in a car... Well, it's supposed to stop snowing at 10:00 p.m.; how long could it take them to plow the roads? These northern states have huge fleets of snowplows and tons of salt - they prioritize keeping the highways open, so by, oh, noon tomorrow, things should be fine, right?"
Every truck driver from Canada to Mexico: "Dang, I've been delayed a whole day already, I HAVE to get this load delivered soon, I'd better get on the road and make as good time as I can."
Mother Nature: "BWAAAHAHAHAHA!"
Me: "Yeah, if I leave here by 9 a.m., I should still be able to get to Harrisonburg by dark."
Mother Nature: "I'll show these little pipsqueaks who's boss. Dam my rivers? Pave my earth? Who do they think they are? He he he..."
I think the snowplows dutifully made their rounds, all night long on the 14th and into the wee hours of the morning on the 15th. Huge snowbanks were piled up high on both sides of I-81 as evidence of this activity. However...
Tune in tomorrow for the further misadventures of EEP and her faithful '93 Camry as they brave the Black Hole that is Pine Grove, PA, and elude the trusty fire marshalls aided only by HubStar On Demand. Find out how a 7-hour drive turned into a 15-hour marathon!
I tell ya, the Mason-Dixon line never looked so good.
Nuevos comienzos
3 months ago
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