I know every parent whose baby regularly wakes up before dawn is playing the world's tiniest violin for me right now, but I've gotten used to V. sleeping until around nine a.m. Her parents are night owls and she seems to follow suite. Now granted, she doesn't sleep straight through until nine; usually she's interested in nursing at six, at seven, and at eight (give or take) before she fully wakes up. But this morning? Wide awake at six. This would be less of an inconvenience for me if she hadn't been up until midnight last night. She had a long, late nap from around 7-10, so I wasn't sure what her sleep pattern was going to do. I guess this is it.
But seriously - how CUTE is this picture???
wicked cute!
YRZAP should be the new crazy- like the new black ;)
sleep patterns- o how i chuckle at that concept. pattern, schedule, controlled chaos
How sweet! Her cheeks are really filling out.
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