My SIL calls her our "people-puppy" and indeed she is up to a number of new tricks.
She is very intent on mastering the pincer-grasp, which is the ability to pick up small objects with thumb and forefinger. Unfortunately she also practices this on ME, especially while nursing. I have little red welts all over my chest.
It's fascinating to hear her expand her verbal repertoire. She started out with "Bababababa," and recently added "Bfff, bfff, bfff." This is now usually her first "word" in the morning, in place of the long, drawn-out "AAaaaaaaaAAAaaAAa"s that we used to refer to as "singing." Last night she added TWO new "words" - "Ananananana," and (closely related) "Adadadada"!
For several months she has also been making a clicking sound with her tongue behind her front top gums (where her front teeth will be), followed by a sound kind of like "goioioioing" in the back of her throat. Sounded a bit like a frog. I finally figured out how she was doing it, as I experimented until I could imitate it (although mine sounds different because my mouth is bigger and I have teeth): she makes a pocket of air between her tongue and palate, then pushes the air out the back of the pocket and down into the back of her throat in a series of little bubbles.
So in addition to "Precious" I can now call her "Gollum" too :-).
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3 months ago
the pincher grasp is very important, that's the start of knitting. Good work wee one!
I love that you learned the noise from her. I am sure it will not be the last thing she teaches you.
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