This post is all about the impact of the new sleep regime on breastfeeding, so those not interested in reading about that can skip this one!
The first night that she slept in her crib, I got so engorged I had to go into the kitchen at 3 a.m. and hand-express what I could into a cup. Not the most effective method, but otherwise the sheets were going to absorb the excess. I didn't want to pump because I thought it might be too loud.
Over the week that followed, I realized that since I wasn't nursing her all night long anymore, my supply was really taking a hit. She's still nursing at least 5x a day (I'm counting) but when I tried to pump in between times I got NOTHIN'. That was discouraging. We didn't have any milk to mix with her rice cereal. We finally broke down and bought some formula, so we at least have it at hand should the need arise. Meanwhile, I started drinking Mother's Milk tea again and eating oatmeal for breakfast again.
Just now, I pumped 2.5 oz! So happy!
Oh! And! It's now over two hours into the second nap and she's still sleeping!!! I had to resettle her one more time at 3:00. But I'm so glad - poor baby was so tired!
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3 months ago
1 comment:
I had totally forgotten about waking up with milk soaked sheets when LG started sleeping through the night. Thanks for that reminder.
Buying formula isn't the worst thing in the world. I hated doing it, but if your supply goes down, you do have to have a way to feed the baby.
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