Of course y'all want the numbers: Length = 28.5 inches (75th percentile), and Weight = 18 lbs. even (45th percentile). So she's not as preternaturally tall as she used to be, but she's holding her own and on a good growth curve.
These are all the things she's eating now: squash, sweet potato, carrots, broccoli, spinach, avocado, banana, pears (her favorite), rice cereal, oatmeal, cheerios, bread, mango, applesauce, egg yolks (occasionally) and last night I gave her a taste of the turkey we'd cooked up - she LOVED it and kept asking for more! So I fed her a little more. I'm not interested in making meat a regular part of her diet, but I do want to make sure she gets enough protein. Oh, and she also eats green beans (commercial/jar) which does supply some vegetable protein, right? She wasn't a big fan of peas. I'm going to try her on lentils soon.
It's fun making food for her. We do mix in some commercial baby food, but it's definitely less than half. I like the frozen food cube method; I don't do huge batches at once, just every couple days I'll mash up a banana and avocado together, say, and freeze that. Then a couple days later I'll do a pear or two. And so on. So we have a constantly rotating supply of stuff in the freezer. She usually eats between 2-3 cubes' worth at a sitting (or crawling), and then I keep feeding her cheerios until she's stuffed!
The one thing they wanted us to "work on" was her pincer grasp, but Terry just texted me that Grandma says she's been feeding herself Cheerios all morning - with her left hand! :-) It would be so cool if she were a lefty like Obama. I mean, like her dad, Aunt Rosanne, Grandma and Grandpa Jantzi! Not to forget her Uncle David, and two second cousins once removed: Vince and Reuben. Lefties are cool.