We had a refreshing weekend. My in-laws watched Valerie for five hours on Saturday, so Terry and I were able to take care of a whole bunch of errands, with time to spare for a nap and an early Valentine's Day dinner at Taste of Thai. We beat the V-Day rush :-)
Today we went to church (where Val took her morning nap in my arms), then met our friends for bagels and coffee. I ran out to the grocery store and Target with V., who fell asleep in the car on the way home. I sat with her and read in the back seat while she slept for an hour and a half. It was kinda nice.
We had dinner with our friends Tara and Aaron, then came home and put Val to bed. Just a nice, ordinary Sunday.
I checked e-mail for the first time all weekend after she was asleep. We've re-opened negotiations with the babysitter... I don't want to go into all the details here, but we'll see how things unfold. I think on principle that it's better to try to repair a relationship than to abandon it, usually.
In family news, please think of my uncle Miguel who is going through serious health issues right now.
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3 months ago
sorry about your uncle!
I am sorry for your uncle.
I hope things go well with the sitter, good luck!
Hard to believe V is 9 months. Wow! And yeah on her sleeping through the night. Do you feel better?
Rachel - I do feel better, thanks! I would feel fantabulous if I didn't have insomnia - I KNOW! What irony, huh?
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