Welcome to our new home! This is what you see when you come in the front door and turn right (north). Right now you are looking all the way through our kitchen and living room area, into the master bedroom which is mint green. You can see a mirror on the wall in the bedroom.
Behind you is a small bedroom (photos forthcoming). As you walk down this hallway, you pass: 1) a piece of furniture for stowing shoes, bags, and coats
2) a bathroom with a washing machine
3) a full-length mirror
4) another bedroom, slightly bigger than the first.

Again, you are looking into the master bedroom. (Hey, is it safe to post all this stuff to the web, I wonder? What say you, dear readers?)

Here, my back is to the balcony. I think this room used to be mint green but it's now been repainted yellow.

Here's a view of the living room. Beyond the sliding glass doors there (behind the couch) is the balcony from Part II.
Everything is newer and less run-down than in our previous apartment, and feels tighter against wind and rain. I'm very glad that they replaced the glass-topped coffee table with a sturdy wooden one because V likes to sit on it!
These photos are all from the day we moved in.
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