Friday, March 25, 2011


In this crazy journey called life, it's good to know your traveling companion is someone you can depend on, someone who will always make you laugh no matter how tired/grumpy/depressed you are, someone really smart, who has enough self-confidence for the both of you. Someone who might come across as a bit of a clown, but who has a solid core of commitment to values you both share. A good dad. My beloved husband. Happy Anniversary!


Mary Jo said...
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Mary Jo said...

Happy anniversary to the pareja feliz. I am glad that after so many years you still laugh with one another. This means it has been 10 years since I was your basement creature, hosting Jodi's Bar and Grill on occasion. I am going to Scotland next month and unfortunately won't have time to get to Albania. Sad. It would be fun to see y'all in your place. Anyway HAPPY DAY!

BigP's Heather said...

Happy Anniversary!

Rachel said...

Happy anniversary!